Winter is a challenging time for drivers, as sub-zero temperatures lead to increasingly dangerous road conditions. It can be both frightening and dangerous for travelers. Winter storms, bad weather, and sloppy road conditions are a factor in most of the crashes and can cause more than 2,000 road deaths every winter.
Ice and hail are two of the main hazards to look out for during the winter. However, preparing properly and driving appropriately will help you stay safe.
Be cautious on the road
While this may seem like common sense, it’s really important. Driving too close, over speeding, changing lanes suddenly; these are all the things that can result in collisions for you or other drivers around you. Stopping distances on icy roads must be more than double than of dry roads. Leaving space, slowing down and being aware of the other vehicles on the road can lead to a safer and less stressful drive.
Use winter tires
It’s proven that winter tires provide you more control in icy conditions. Even provincial governments offer rebates or insurance premiums to those who have winter tires installed on their vehicles. Though the price of these tires may seem high, it’s far cheaper than repair bills or increased insurance costs after an accident, not to mention the added peace of mind of having them.
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Know how to drive on black ice
Ice can impact your stopping distance and vehicle handling. Practice driving in slippery conditions on empty, snow or ice-covered parking lot to help prepare you. You can get a feel for how the car reacts when you brake suddenly, or when it starts to slide.
You also need to practice this with your winter tires on. Snow tires are made of a compound that will stay soft and pliant in cold temperatures rather than turning hard in the cold like summer or all-season tires.
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What is black ice?
Black ice is just like regular ice which forms on the surface of pavement after freezing rain or the re-freezing of snow or rain. It often happens when the air temperature is warmer than the road temperature. Because of this temperature difference, the liquid moisture in the air freezes as soon as it touches the road.
Quick drops in temperature also cause black ice as water on the road has not got the chance to evaporate before it freezes. The reason it’s often referred to as black ice is that it is without bubbles and is therefore completely transparent, making it difficult to see as it completely blends in with the surface.
How to spot black ice
Since black ice is almost fully transparent, hence while driving it is very difficult to spot it. Instead, try to expect when and where it could happen. Bridges are common spots for ice to form since the temperature from the wind blowing underneath is generally cooler than the road itself.
Early in the morning or at night is when more icy patches will occur since that’s when the temperature drops below freezing. Keep a close eye on vehicles in front of you too – if you notice them swerving suddenly, they may have found an icy patch on the road.
How to prevent skidding
In case you do hit a patch of black ice while driving, it’s important to follow these steps:
Stay calm
React as little as possible and try to keep the vehicle headed straight, steer straight and take your foot off the gas
Never hit the brakes
Place your hands at nine and three o’clock this can give you better control of the wheel as compared to the usually recommended ten and two
What to do if you start to slide
If you start to feel that the back end of your car is sliding out, remember:
Again, you need to stay calm
Overcompensating due to sudden reactions can cause the slide to losing complete control. Look where you want to go and not where you’re afraid of going
Though you may have the instinct to look around for vehicles on the road, keep your vision on your goal.
Gently give your steering wheel a slight turn in the same direction that your back end is headed
Struggling against that movement can send you spinning out of control.
Brake lightly if you’re skidding a lot
If your car has an anti-lock braking system put your foot on the brake and apply even pressure the ABS will pump the brakes for you. Then you’ll feel a pulsing under the brake pedal, which is the ABS engaging and disengaging of your car’s brakes. Do not take your foot off the brake once you feel that it starts.
If you don’t have ABS, use the heel and toe method which involves keeping your heel on the floor and using your toes to gently pump the brakes as you skid, while keeping your steering wheel pointed in the direction that you want your car to go. If you feel your brakes lock, reduce the pressure on the brakes and keep repeating until your car stops moving.